Thursday, April 28, 2011

His Name Was Kameron

Hello everyone, I am the aforementioned Kameron. I have been really nervous about my first post, and as such, I have been putting it off quite a bit up until this point. I didn't know what to do for this post, but I think for now I will just let you guys know about me and what I am about, and maybe a bit about where this blog will be going in the future, assuming I can figure it out for myself.

As far as my life experiences go, I must admit that I am still a bit limited in this area, perhaps a bit too much. This is part of the reason I am starting this blog, so I can get myself out there as a writer and a person, and hopefully get to know some of you in return. I am currently a starving college student. I live with my mom and dad at this time, but I have lived out on my own in Dallas before deciding to come back to Michigan to further my education. We own three birds and a chinchilla, which I will most likely talk more about in a future post.

I am extremely interested in film, books, music, and video games. I used to play a little game called World of Warcraft quite a bit, but I have recently tapered off on that in pursuit of school and writing. As far as movies and music go, there are way too many favorites for me to list them all here in this post, but perhaps if you guy's wish, that could always be a future post. The same generally goes for books, although a couple of my all time favorite books have to be Lord of The Rings (a collective sigh of "of course" is heard around the world) and The Book Thief.

I am starting this blog because, for one, I believe it will be a great way to keep me writing during my time away from school. I also will enjoy the opportunity to write something aside from purely academic ventures. Thirdly, there are a lot of opportunities on this here internet, and I feel like this could be a good jumping off spot for me to get involved in some communities around the web. And, because I always intend on being honest with you guys (which I realize that at this point, there are no "you guys" reading this) I do hope that the content I post is quality enough for me to consider monetizing it a little bit. These are hard economic times, as we all know, and specifically where I live it is extremely difficult to find a job. Especially for those of us who have no interest in becoming mindless drones. So obviously, if this can at all help me get through college or any such thing, that would be the best case scenario. We will see. Hopefully at some point, I would love to start making some videos for you guys, and I also currently have a podcast in the works.

As far as the content that will be available on this blog in the near future, I really want to give my insight on some news that matters to me (and should matter to most everyone else). I also intend to, perhaps less commonly due to money restraints, review books, games, movies, and music with my little spin. All of this is up in the air at this point, because when I read over that it seems like it could get a little dry. Of course I fully intend to mix a good bit of myself in here and there. I hope to post at least once a week, and ideally a good bit more than that if things work out the way I hope they will. I am open to any advice though and I encourage you to give suggestions as you see fit!

Unless something comes up I think would be good to post about before hand, my first real post will be about A Clockwork Orange, just to kick things off. I have never seen this film before, but it has always been on my list of must sees. It should be a good one.

 I fully encourage any criticism, advice, suggestions, or general discussion in the comment area.
And if you wish you can contact me at and like/share the blog on Facebook and Twitter using the links on the side!

1 comment:

  1. Suggestions for future posts: top "things" lists [i.e. fantasy books/ horror movies/ etc/ etc/] and guides on how to do interesting things. Blogging isn't the hobby, DOING SOMETHING is the hobby, and blogging is about putting your adventures in a consumable format so your readers enjoy hearing what you have to say.

    Just my 2 cents.

    -=High Hopes=-
